The Inspiration Behind the Campfire Mat

Our family loves camping, and our dog Riley is always by our side. One evening, Riley had no dry, clean place to lay down near the campfire. On a whim, I moved our brand-new RV rug close to the fire. My husband thought I was crazy, but Riley sprawled out comfortably, free from the sand and mud around the fire pit. The best part was that when it was time to retire for the night, Riley didn't have sand in his fur, which meant none in the camper. The entire family enjoyed the comfort of sitting on the mat around the campfire.

The Idea Takes Shape

After that experience, we decided to use the mat next to the campfire more often to enjoy a clean, dry space and keep Riley sand-free. Soon, we discussed the idea of having a mat designed specifically to fit around the campfire so that our family and friends could share in the experience.

When we returned home, we researched and discovered that no such mat existed. That’s when we decided to create our own: a practical, original, and fire-retardant campfire mat, which is now patent-pending.

Enjoy the Campfire Mat

We are certain that you will appreciate the Campfire Mat as much as we do. Happy camping, everyone!

Warm regards,

Dave & Alisa

Photoshoot, prototype of the Campfire Mat, with Riley.